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About FIAT

Welcome to Franklin Institute of Agri-Technology

We are proud to introduce the Franklin Institute of Agri-Technology (FIAT), which was set up in the main vegetable-growing area of South Auckland, New Zealand. It is located at a drivable distance from the central city, Auckland airport and other major facilities, making accessibility to all amenities very easy. The regional centre is based on the outskirts of Tauranga, in the main Kiwifruit production area in New Zealand.

The reasons why I decided to set up the Institute:

  1. From the various studies conducted in the country and our personal experience in the industry for about 25 years, we have observed an acute shortage of skilled workforce exists in the horticultural sector, with ambitious targets of expansion set up in Horticulture Production and exports, the need for skilled workforce is projected to increase tangibly. The availability of well-trained staff has been identified as an essential enabler for future expansion of the horticultural sector.
  2. Several well-experienced Growers and Horticulture professionals are retiring, and to capture their rich field experience, the best way to pass it on is to train the younger people in these practical skills. 
  3. The horticultural enterprise structure in New Zealand is changing from family-run businesses to organised, more like corporate structures. Before, a few brothers ran the family farm, but now, one or a few of their siblings manage the business. They need a skilled workforce to assist them (Hands-on supervisors, managers).                                                                                                                                  Considering this situation, FIAT offers training programmes in horticulture production, leading to the ‘New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture Level 4’ and the ‘New Zealand Diploma in Horticulture Production Level 5’. These programmes are approved and accredited by NZQA (New Zealand Qualifications Authority), approved by the Tertiary Education Commission for funding of domestic students and recognised by Immigration New Zealand for the issuing of visas for international students.  These programmes are delivered on production sites with ample greenhouses, farms and support buildings housed on 25 acres of prime agricultural land in Auckland and  5 – 6 acres of land in Tauranga. 

Our broad vision is to provide relevant academic and practical training in modern horticultural practices. This will cater to the needs of field production on the one hand and address the sensitivities of quality, safety and traceability for the ‘Greens supply chain’ on the other hand.  With the scientific knowledge and modern skills acquired through these programmes, students have been able to take up positions in different aspects and levels of the horticultural industry and service the supply chain effectively.

FIAT operates as part of the Rupex group- which has been operating successfully in horticulture production for over 25 years in New Zealand. We look forward to you joining our group and sharing your struggles and successes with us. As a member of our Institute, we will endeavour to provide you with our complete support to help you achieve your goals of successful learning and preparation for a strong, prosperous and satisfying career in the horticulture industry. As a group, we will happily provide the necessary support and guidance for adapting to life and building your bright future in New Zealand.

RAJ SAINI   PhD (Crop Sciences) 
Director/Managing  Mob 027 278 2789
Office +64-9 236 37 38 | WhatsApp +64 27 278 2789 
Franklin Institute of Agri-Technology | Rupex Growtech Ltd                                      
760-Glenbrook Road, RD 4, Pukekohe, Auckland 2679 

Our Vision

Our broad vision is to provide relevant academic and practical training in the area of horticultural production to fulfil the needs of the horticultural industry.

Our Mission

Our aim is to teach students in such a manner that they are ready to take positions in the industry with minimal on-job training as operational personnel.

Our Objectives

To provide complete and utter support to help students achieve their goals of successful learning. We strive to prepare our students for a strong and prosperous and satisfying career in the horticulture industry.


  • NZQA in 2016 gave accreditation to FIAT to deliver and assess teaching/training programme in Horticulture production for National Certificate in Horticulture level 4 Advanced.
  • NZQA in July 2017 gave FIAT accreditation to offer ‘NZ Certificate in Horticulture Production L 4’ and ‘NZ Diploma in Horticulture Production L 5’ which were implemented from 2018-19.
  • NZQA conducted EER in early 2018 and again in Feb 2022. FIAT was given Category II ( Confident in educational performance and Confident in capability of dself-assessment)
  • FIAT is a signatory to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students.
  • NZQA conducted consistency reviews for Level 4 and Level 5 qualifications, and we were accorded ‘Sufficient’ status. FIAT is the only PTE included in this review and achieved the same level of outcome as all others which are Government-funded Institutes of Technology.
  • NZQA approved new vesions of NZ Ceretificate in Horticuture Production L 4 and NZ Diploma in Horticuture Production L 5 in Jan 2023, which indicates our continuous engagement with peak bodies.


  • Professional Member Royal Society of New Zealand
  • Member International Horticultural Society
  • Member NZ Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture Sciences
  • Member International Plant Propagation Society (IPPS)
  • Member of NZ Plant Producers society Inc. (NZPPI)
  • Member India NZ Business council
  • Member of Independent Tertiary Education New Zealand (ITENZ)
  • Rupex, our sister company is Associate member of ‘Horticulture New Zealand’ which is the apex body for Horticulture indusyty in New Zealand

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Campus on a tour designed for prospective graduate and professional students. You will see how our university like, facilities, studenst and life in this university. Meet our graduate admissions representative to learn more about our graduate programs and decide what it the best for you.